What Does a Blonde Latte Mean?

A blonde latte refers to a latte made with Starbucks’ Blonde Espresso, which is a lighter roast coffee with a smooth and slightly sweet taste.

Blonde latte, light roast latte, or even a flat white with blonde espresso shot – you may have come across these terms while ordering your morning coffee at your favorite café. But what exactly does “blonde” mean when it comes to coffee? Is it just a fancy name for a regular latte or is there something more to it? In this article, we’ll explore the world of blonde lattes and everything you need to know about this trendy coffee drink.

So grab your cup of joe and let’s dive in!

Definition of a Blonde Latte

A blonde latte is a coffee drink made with Starbucks’ Blonde Espresso, which is a lighter roast coffee than the traditional espresso. The term “blonde” refers to the light color of the beans after they have been roasted.

This type of espresso has a smoother and sweeter taste compared to regular espresso, making it an excellent choice for those who prefer milder flavors in their coffee.

To make a blonde latte, baristas start by pulling shots of Starbucks’ Blonde Espresso into steamed milk. The result is a creamy and smooth beverage that’s perfect for sipping on any time of day.

Some people like to add flavor syrups or whipped cream on top for an extra touch of sweetness.

Blonde lattes are becoming increasingly popular among coffee lovers due to their unique taste profile and versatility in customization options.

Origins of the Name

The name refers to the lighter roast of the coffee beans used to make this type of latte. According to Starbucks, their Blonde Espresso was created as a response to customers who found traditional espresso too strong or bitter.

By using a lighter roast, they were able to create an espresso that had a smoother taste with subtle hints of sweetness.

Interestingly enough, the term “blonde” has also been used in other industries such as beer brewing and hair coloration where it similarly denotes lightness or paleness. However, when it comes specifically to coffee roasting terminology – blonde is not commonly used outside of North America.

Origin of Blonde Roast Coffee

It was first introduced by Starbucks in 2011 as part of their “Blonde Espresso” line. The idea behind this lighter roast was to offer customers a smoother and sweeter taste profile, which would appeal to those who found traditional dark roasts too bitter or strong.

The origins of blonde roast coffee can be traced back to Scandinavia, where light roasts have been popular for many years. In fact, some Scandinavian countries even have laws that require all coffee sold in the country to be roasted lightly.

In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards lighter roasts among specialty coffee shops and independent roasters around the world. This shift is partly due to changing consumer tastes but also reflects an increased focus on highlighting unique flavor profiles inherent in different types of beans.

Where the Beans Come From

These regions are known for producing high-quality coffee beans with a mild flavor profile that is perfect for light roasting. The farmers in these areas use sustainable farming practices to ensure the quality of their crops while also protecting the environment.

Starbucks works closely with these farmers to source their coffee beans directly, ensuring fair prices and ethical treatment of workers. This direct trade relationship allows Starbucks to maintain consistent quality across all its stores worldwide.

Key Ingredients

The most important ingredient is the Blonde Espresso shot that gives this drink its unique flavor profile. Starbucks’ Blonde Espresso is made from Latin American and East African beans that are lightly roasted to bring out their natural sweetness.

To make a perfect blonde latte, baristas use high-quality whole milk or non-dairy alternatives like almond or oat milk for those who prefer vegan options. The steamed milk adds texture and creaminess to the coffee while also balancing out any bitterness in the espresso.

Lastly, foam is added on top of the drink which acts as an insulator keeping your beverage warm for longer periods while adding an extra layer of creamy goodness to your cup.

Brewing Process

The barista starts by pulling one or two shots of espresso using the Blonde Espresso roast, which has a lighter flavor profile than traditional espresso. Then, steamed milk is added to the shot(s) and topped with a thin layer of foam.

However, it’s important to note that not all coffee shops use Starbucks’ Blonde Espresso for their blonde lattes. Some may use different types of light roast coffee beans or even medium roast beans for their version.

If you’re making your own blonde latte at home, you can experiment with different types and brands of light-roast coffee until you find one that suits your taste buds best. Just remember to adjust the amount and strength according to your preference since every bean variety will have its unique characteristics when brewed as an espresso shot.

How the Shots Are Pulled

When it comes to blonde espresso shots, the brewing process is slightly different from regular dark roast coffee.

To make a shot of Starbucks’ Blonde Espresso, baristas use a special machine called an espresso machine. The machine forces hot water through finely ground coffee beans at high pressure for about 20-30 seconds.

This creates an intense and concentrated flavor that forms the base for all types of lattes.

However, with Blonde Espresso shots specifically, baristas pull them differently than they would with darker roasts. They extract less oil from lighter roasted beans by adjusting their grind size or tamping pressure on top before brewing – this results in a smoother taste profile that’s not as bitter as traditional espressos.

Flavor Profile

The lighter roast of the blonde espresso brings out subtle notes of citrus and caramel, creating a smooth and slightly sweet taste. This makes it an excellent choice for those who prefer their coffee with less bitterness.

In comparison to traditional dark roasts, which can have bold flavors like chocolate or smokiness, the blonde latte is more delicate in its taste. It’s perfect for those who want to enjoy the natural sweetness of coffee without any added sugar or syrups.

Difference From Other Lattes

It has its unique characteristics that set it apart from other lattes. The most significant difference between the blonde and dark roast lattes is the type of espresso used in making them.

Blonde espresso, as mentioned earlier, has a lighter roast profile than traditional dark roasts. This results in an entirely different flavor profile that’s smoother and less bitter than darker roasts.

When combined with steamed milk, this creates a creamy texture without overpowering the coffee’s delicate flavors. In contrast, traditional espressos tend to have more robust flavors that can be overwhelming when mixed with milk.

Another key difference between blonde and other types of lattes is their caffeine content. Blonde espresso contains slightly more caffeine per ounce than darker roasts due to its higher acidity level resulting from shorter brewing time at lower temperatures.

Popular Variations

One popular variation is the Blonde Vanilla Latte, which adds vanilla syrup for a touch of sweetness. Another option is the Blonde Caramel Macchiato, which features caramel sauce and steamed milk topped with espresso shots.

For those who prefer their coffee iced, the Iced Blonde Latte is a refreshing choice on hot summer days. You can also add flavors like hazelnut or mocha to your iced latte for an extra kick.

Pairing Suggestions

The smooth and sweet taste of the espresso pairs well with a variety of flavors, making it a versatile drink that can be enjoyed any time of day.

For breakfast or brunch, try pairing your blonde latte with a croissant or pastry. The buttery and flaky texture complements the light roast coffee perfectly.

If you’re in need of an afternoon pick-me-up, pair your blonde latte with some dark chocolate. The bitterness from the chocolate will balance out the sweetness in your drink while enhancing its flavor profile.

For those who prefer savory snacks over sweet ones, consider pairing your blonde latte with avocado toast or smoked salmon bagel. These dishes have bold flavors that won’t overpower but rather complement each other nicely when paired together.

Nutritional Content

A grande (16 oz) Blonde Latte made with 2% milk at Starbucks contains approximately 220 calories, 7 grams of fat, and 22 grams of sugar. However, if you opt for non-fat milk instead of the regular one in your drink order, it can reduce the calorie count by about half.

It’s worth noting that adding any flavored syrups or whipped cream will increase both the calorie and sugar content significantly.

Health Benefits

For starters, the lighter roast of the Blonde Espresso used in a blonde latte contains more caffeine than darker roasts. This means that you can get your caffeine fix without having to drink as much coffee.

Studies have shown that moderate consumption of coffee may reduce the risk of certain diseases such as Parkinson’s disease and type 2 diabetes. Coffee also contains antioxidants which help protect against cell damage caused by free radicals.

Of course, it’s important to keep in mind that adding sugar or syrups to your blonde latte can negate these potential health benefits. Opting for non-dairy milk options like almond or oat milk instead of whole milk can also make this drink healthier overall.

How to Order a Starbucks Blonde Latte

Simply ask for a latte made with their Blonde Espresso instead of the regular espresso. You can customize your drink by adding syrups or toppings to suit your taste buds.

Here’s an example of how to order: “Can I please have a grande blonde latte with one pump vanilla syrup and whipped cream on top?”.

It’s important to note that not all Starbucks locations may carry the Blonde Espresso, so it’s best to check ahead if you’re unsure. If they don’t have it available, don’t worry! You can always try making your own at home using store-bought blonde roast coffee or purchasing some from Starbucks’ online store.

DIY Blonde Latte Recipe

All you need are a few simple ingredients and some basic equipment.

To make a DIY blonde latte, start by brewing your favorite light roast coffee using either an espresso machine or French press. Next, heat up some milk in a saucepan until it’s hot but not boiling.

Froth the milk using an electric frother or whisk until it becomes creamy and velvety.

Now comes the fun part – assembling your drink! Pour the brewed coffee into a mug followed by the frothed milk on top of it to create that signature layered effect of lattes. You can add sweeteners like honey or vanilla syrup if desired for extra flavor.

Blonde Latte Vs Flat White

While they may seem similar at first glance, there are some key differences between the two drinks.

A flat white is an espresso-based drink that originated in Australia or New Zealand. It’s made with a double shot of espresso and steamed milk, but unlike a latte, it has very little foam on top.

The texture is velvety smooth and creamy due to the microfoam created by steaming the milk.

On the other hand, as we already know from our discussion earlier in this article – Blonde Latte refers to Starbucks’ lighter roast coffee with its own unique flavor profile that can be used for any type of Espresso based drink including Lattes & Flat Whites.

So what sets these two drinks apart? While both use espresso shots as their base ingredient along with steamed milk; A Blonde Latte uses Starbucks’ signature light-roast beans which have more subtle flavors than traditional dark roasts while Flat White uses Double Shot Espresso without any specific roast preference (can be either Dark Roast or Light Roast).

In terms of taste profile: A blonde latte has sweeter notes compared to regular lattes because it’s made using lighter roasted beans whereas Flat White tends to have stronger notes since it contains double shots instead of single ones like most other milky coffees do.

Blonde Latte Vs Dark Roast Latte

The main difference between the two is the type of espresso used in each drink. A blonde latte uses Starbucks’ Blonde Espresso, which has a lighter and sweeter taste compared to their traditional dark roast espresso.

Dark roast espressos are roasted for longer periods of time than light roasts, resulting in a stronger and more bitter flavor profile. This makes them ideal for those who prefer their coffee with bold flavors that can stand up to milk or cream.

On the other hand, if you prefer your coffee with less bitterness and more sweetness, then a blonde latte may be right up your alley. It’s important to note that while both drinks have different flavor profiles due to their respective types of espresso shots used; they still share many similarities when it comes down to brewing process and ingredients.

Tips for Enjoyment

Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your next blonde latte experience:

1. Experiment with different milk options: While traditional lattes are made with whole milk, feel free to try other types of milk such as almond or oat for a dairy-free option.

2. Customize your sweetness level: Blonde espresso has a naturally sweet taste, but if you prefer an extra kick of sweetness in your drink, ask the barista to add vanilla syrup or caramel sauce.

3. Pair it with food: A blonde latte pairs well with pastries like croissants and muffins or even savory breakfast items like avocado toast.

4. Try different variations: Don’t be afraid to mix things up by adding flavors like hazelnut or cinnamon dolce syrup for added depth and complexity.

5. Savor each sip slowly: Take time between sips to appreciate the flavor profile fully; notice its aroma and texture on your tongue before swallowing each sip slowly.

What Does Blonde Mean in Starbucks?

What does it mean in the context of Starbucks? Simply put, blonde refers to a lighter roast coffee that has been roasted for less time than traditional dark roasts. This results in a milder flavor profile with notes of sweetness and acidity.

Starbucks introduced its Blonde Espresso back in 2018 as an alternative to their signature espresso blend. It’s made from Latin American and East African beans that are lightly roasted to bring out their natural flavors without any bitterness or burnt taste.

Since then, they’ve expanded their blonde offerings to include brewed coffee and other espresso-based drinks like lattes and cappuccinos. So if you see “blonde” on the menu at your local Starbucks, now you know exactly what it means!


What is the difference between a blonde latte and a regular latte?

The difference between a blonde latte and a regular latte is that a blonde latte has higher caffeine content, lighter color, and smoother taste with citrus notes, while a regular latte has a stronger flavor, darker appearance, and slightly lower caffeine content due to its darker roast espresso.

What is a blonde latte?

A blonde latte is a coffee beverage made with extra-smooth Starbucks® Blonde Espresso, velvety steamed milk, and vanilla syrup, providing a lighter-roasted and delightful twist on a classic espresso drink.

Is blonde latte stronger?

A blonde latte is still considered strong compared to most drip or cold brew coffees, but may seem lighter and less strong compared to a darker roast.

Why is it called a blonde latte?

A blonde latte is called so because it uses blonde espresso, which has a lighter color than medium or dark roasted coffee beans due to its shorter cooking time.

How is the flavor profile of a blonde latte different from a traditional latte?

A blonde latte has a smoother and sweeter taste compared to a traditional latte, which offers a more robust and bold flavor.

What type of coffee beans are used in a blonde latte?

In a blonde latte, blonde roast coffee beans are used.

Are there any specific brewing methods for creating a perfect blonde latte?

To create a perfect blonde latte, use a freshly brewed blonde espresso combined with steamed milk and a bit of sweetness.