What to Drink Coffee With?

Discover an array of delightful accompaniments to enhance your coffee-drinking experience by exploring our top picks that will tantalize your taste buds.

Coffee is a wonderful beverage that can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. Whether you prefer it black, with cream and sugar, or as a fancy latte, there’s no denying the pleasure that comes from sipping on this delicious drink.

But have you ever wondered what the best foods are to pair with your coffee? As a barista and coffee blogger, I’ve done my fair share of experimenting and research to find out what really goes well with that hot cup of joe. In this article, I’ll be sharing some insights on what to drink coffee with for the ultimate taste experience.

So grab your favorite mug and let’s dive in!

Classic Companions

drink coffee

When it comes to classic companions for coffee, there are a few tried and true pairings that have stood the test of time. One of the most popular is, of course, a simple biscotti or cookie.

The crisp texture and subtle sweetness make them an ideal match for any type of coffee.

Another classic pairing is toast with butter and jam. The creamy richness from the butter complements the bold flavor profile in coffee while adding just enough sweetness to balance out any bitterness.

For those who prefer something savory with their morning cuppa joe, bacon and eggs are always a great option. The saltiness from bacon pairs well with darker roasts while eggs provide protein to keep you energized throughout your day.

Traditional Pairings

One such pairing is coffee and donuts. The sweetness of a glazed or powdered donut complements the bitterness of black coffee perfectly, making for a delicious breakfast treat.

Another popular option is coffee and biscotti. This Italian cookie has a hard texture that’s perfect for dipping into your morning cup of joe.

The almond flavor pairs particularly well with espresso-based drinks like cappuccinos and lattes.

If you’re looking for something heartier, try pairing your coffee with toast or bagels topped with cream cheese or butter. These simple yet satisfying options provide just enough sustenance to start your day off right without overwhelming your taste buds.

International Delights

If you’re looking to add some international flair to your coffee routine, there are plenty of options to explore. For example, in Italy, espresso is often paired with biscotti or other sweet treats for a mid-morning snack called “la merenda.” In Turkey and Greece, coffee is served with Turkish delight or baklava for an indulgent dessert experience.

In Vietnam and Thailand, iced coffee (ca phe sua da) is popularly enjoyed alongside condensed milk that adds sweetness and creaminess. In Mexico City’s cafes (cafeterias), cafe de olla – spiced cinnamon-infused black coffee – pairs well with pan dulce (sweet bread).

These are just a few examples of the many international delights that can be enjoyed alongside your cup of joe.

Regional Coffee Preferences

In some countries, coffee is enjoyed black with no sugar or creamer added. In others, it’s common to add spices like cinnamon or cardamom for an extra kick of flavor.

For example, in the Middle East and North Africa regions, spiced coffee (known as Turkish or Arabic coffee) is popularly served alongside dates as a sweet treat.

In Italy and other parts of Europe where espresso reigns supreme, it’s customary to enjoy a small pastry like biscotti on the side for dipping into your drink. Meanwhile in Asia-Pacific countries such as Japan and South Korea where drip-brewed pour-over coffees are more prevalent than espresso-based drinks; you might find that they prefer lighter roasts with fruity notes that pair well with their delicate cuisine.

Dairy Alternatives

Soy milk is a popular choice and has a creamy texture that’s similar to cow’s milk. Almond milk is another great option, with its nutty flavor adding an extra dimension to your coffee.

Oat milk has also become increasingly popular due to its neutral taste and ability to froth well for lattes and cappuccinos.

When choosing a dairy alternative for your coffee, it’s important to consider the sweetness level as some brands may contain added sugars which can affect the overall taste of your drink. It’s best if you opt for unsweetened varieties or those sweetened with natural ingredients like dates or maple syrup.

Dairy and Non-Dairy Creamers

Not everyone can tolerate dairy products due to lactose intolerance or other dietary restrictions. Luckily, there are plenty of non-dairy options available that taste just as good! Some popular non-dairy creamer choices include soy milk, almond milk, coconut milk and oat milk.

These alternatives offer a creamy texture without any animal-based ingredients.

If you prefer traditional dairy-based creamers but want something healthier than heavy whipping cream or half-and-half, consider using low-fat versions such as skimmed-milk instead. You can also try flavored varieties like vanilla bean or hazelnut for an added twist.


Some people prefer the classic taste of white sugar, while others opt for natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup. If you’re looking for a low-calorie option, artificial sweeteners like Splenda or Stevia can be used instead.

It’s important to note that adding too much sugar or other sweetener can overpower the flavor of your coffee. It’s best to start with a small amount and adjust as needed until you find your perfect balance.

For those who want an extra kick in their cup of joe, flavored creamers can also add sweetness along with unique flavors such as hazelnut or vanilla. However, it is essential to read labels carefully when choosing flavored creamers since some may contain high amounts of added sugars.

Natural Sweeteners

They add sweetness without the added calories and can even provide some health benefits. Some of the most popular natural sweeteners include honey, maple syrup, agave nectar, and stevia.

Honey is a great choice as it has antibacterial properties that can help soothe sore throats and boost your immune system. Maple syrup is rich in antioxidants that protect against inflammation while providing essential minerals like zinc and manganese.

Agave nectar has a low glycemic index which means it won’t cause spikes in blood sugar levels making it ideal for those with diabetes or watching their sugar intake. Stevia is another low-calorie option derived from plant leaves that have been used as a natural sweetener for centuries.

When using these natural sweeteners in your coffee be sure to start with small amounts until you find the right balance of sweetness to suit your taste buds!

Flavored Creamers

These creamers come in a variety of flavors, from classic vanilla and hazelnut to more unique options like pumpkin spice or peppermint mocha. Flavored creamers can be found at most grocery stores and are typically made with natural or artificial flavorings.

While flavored creamers can be a tasty addition to your morning cup of joe, it’s important to keep in mind that they often contain added sugars and other additives. If you’re trying to watch your sugar intake or prefer more natural ingredients, consider using natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup instead.

Flavored creamers can be an enjoyable way to switch up the taste of your coffee every once in a while.

Additional Flavorings

Additional flavorings can take your cup of joe from ordinary to extraordinary. Some popular choices include vanilla extract, almond extract, cinnamon sticks or powder, nutmeg powder or freshly grated ginger.

Vanilla is a classic choice that pairs well with most types of coffee. A few drops of pure vanilla extract can give your drink a subtle sweetness and aroma without overpowering the taste.

Almond extract is another great option for those who enjoy nutty flavors in their coffee. Just like with vanilla, a little goes a long way when it comes to adding this ingredient.

Cinnamon is one spice that’s commonly used in both sweet and savory dishes around the world – including coffee! Whether you prefer ground cinnamon sprinkled on top or simmered whole sticks in your brew for an added depth of flavor- it’s sure to be delicious!

Nutmeg has warm notes similar but distinct from cinnamon; its earthy tones pair well with darker roasts such as espresso-based drinks like lattes and cappuccinos.

Freshly grated ginger adds zesty warmth while providing numerous health benefits such as aiding digestion which makes it perfect for morning cups.

Flavor Enhancers

Flavor enhancers can be anything from syrups and sauces to extracts and spices. One popular choice is vanilla syrup, which adds a sweet and creamy taste that pairs well with most types of coffee.

Caramel sauce is another great option for those who enjoy sweeter drinks.

For those who prefer more unique flavors, consider adding some spice to your cup of joe. Cinnamon or nutmeg can give your coffee a warm and cozy feel while cardamom adds an exotic twist that’s perfect for adventurous palates.

When choosing flavor enhancers, it’s important to keep in mind the quality of the ingredients used as well as any potential allergens or dietary restrictions you may have. Opting for natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup instead of artificial ones will not only enhance the taste but also provide added health benefits.

Spices in Coffee

Adding spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, and cardamom to your coffee can give it a warm and cozy flavor that’s perfect for chilly mornings or evenings. These spices also have health benefits such as reducing inflammation in the body.

If you’re feeling adventurous, try experimenting with different spice combinations until you find one that suits your taste buds. For example, adding ginger and turmeric to your coffee can create an anti-inflammatory powerhouse drink.

When using spices in coffee, it’s important not to overdo it as they are potent flavors that could easily overpower the taste of the brew itself. Start with small amounts of spice (a pinch or two) per cup of coffee until you find what works best for you.

Choose a Quality Brand, Preferably Organic

Not all coffee brands are created equal, and some may contain additives or low-quality beans that can affect the flavor of your drink. That’s why I recommend opting for organic coffee whenever possible.

Organic coffee is grown without synthetic pesticides or fertilizers, which means you’re getting a pure and natural product that’s better for both you and the environment. Organic farming practices often result in higher-quality beans with more complex flavors.

While organic options may be slightly pricier than conventional coffees, investing in a high-quality brand will ultimately pay off in terms of taste satisfaction.

Pairing Coffee With Food

And what better way to enhance that experience than by pairing your coffee with the right food? The key to successful pairings lies in finding complementary flavors and textures. For example, if you’re enjoying a rich and bold cup of coffee, try pairing it with something sweet like chocolate or pastry.

On the other hand, if you prefer a lighter roast or flavored coffee, consider pairing it with something savory like eggs or bacon.

When choosing foods to pair with your coffee, think about regional preferences as well. In some parts of the world such as Italy and France where espresso is popularly consumed after meals; biscotti cookies are often served alongside for dipping into their espresso shots.

In addition to baked goods such as croissants and muffins which are classic companions for morning cups of joe; sandwiches can also be paired perfectly depending on their fillings – ham & cheese sandwich goes great along side black drip while turkey & avocado pairs nicely alongside iced lattes.

Baked Goods

And when paired with a hot cup of coffee, it’s pure bliss. Some classic baked goods that go well with coffee include croissants, muffins, scones, and cinnamon rolls.

These treats are perfect for breakfast or as an afternoon snack to give you a little pick-me-up during the day.

Croissants are flaky and buttery pastries that pair perfectly with black coffee or espresso. Muffins come in many flavors such as blueberry, banana nut or chocolate chip which can complement different types of coffees depending on their sweetness level.

Scones have a crumbly texture and come in various flavors such as cranberry-orange or lemon-poppyseed which make them ideal for pairing with flavored creamers.

Cinnamon rolls are sweet buns filled with cinnamon sugar swirls topped off by icing drizzles making them perfect companions to bold dark roasts.

Savory Options

One classic pairing is a croissant or other flaky pastry filled with ham and cheese. The buttery richness of the pastry complements the bold flavor of coffee, while the salty ham and creamy cheese provide a satisfying contrast.

Another great option is avocado toast topped with an egg. The creaminess of avocado pairs perfectly with coffee’s bitterness, while the protein from eggs will keep you feeling full throughout your morning.

For those who prefer heartier fare, try pairing your cuppa joe with bacon-wrapped dates stuffed with goat cheese or roasted vegetables like mushrooms and asparagus drizzled in olive oil.

Breakfast Foods

There are many breakfast foods that pair well with coffee, from sweet pastries to savory dishes. One classic pairing is a croissant or pastry with a cup of black coffee.

The buttery flavor of the croissant complements the rich taste of black coffee perfectly.

If you prefer something heartier for breakfast, try eggs and bacon with your morning brew. The saltiness of bacon pairs well with bitter notes in dark roast coffees while eggs provide protein that will keep you full throughout the morning.

For those who like sweeter options in their breakfasts, pancakes or waffles topped off with maple syrup can be an excellent choice when paired up alongside some hot brewed java.


Whether you prefer sweet or savory, there’s a sandwich out there that will perfectly complement your cup of joe. For those with a sweet tooth, try pairing your coffee with peanut butter and jelly or Nutella on toast.

The creamy sweetness of the spreads pairs well with the bitterness of black coffee.

If you’re in the mood for something more savory, consider trying an egg sandwich or avocado toast topped with bacon. These breakfast classics pair well with light roast coffees that have fruity notes.

For lunchtime sandwiches, turkey and cheese on whole wheat bread is always a safe bet when paired alongside medium roast coffees like Colombian blends which have nutty undertones.

Healthy Choices

For a quick and easy breakfast option, try pairing your coffee with a bowl of oatmeal topped with fresh fruit or nuts. Greek yogurt is another great choice that’s high in protein and can be mixed with honey or granola for added flavor.

For those who prefer savory options, avocado toast is an excellent choice as it provides healthy fats and fiber while also being delicious. You could also opt for a veggie omelet or scrambled eggs paired with whole-grain toast.

When it comes to snacks, raw veggies like carrots or celery sticks dipped in hummus make an excellent accompaniment to coffee. Fresh berries such as blueberries, raspberries, strawberries are perfect if you have a sweet tooth but want something healthier than pastries.

Coffee Cocktails

These drinks combine the rich, bold flavor of coffee with other ingredients like liquor, cream, and spices to create unique and delicious concoctions that are perfect for any occasion.

Some popular coffee cocktails include the classic Irish Coffee made with whiskey and topped with whipped cream; the Espresso Martini which combines espresso shots with vodka; or even a simple Coffee Colada made by blending cold brew coffee, coconut milk, pineapple juice, rum or vodka.

Whether you’re looking for something sweet or savory to pair your morning cup of joe with – there’s always an option! So next time you want to spice up your caffeine fix try one of these tasty creations. Just remember: moderation is key when it comes to alcohol consumption so be sure not overdo it!


What is best way to drink coffee?

The best way to drink coffee is to consume it plain, without any additives like sugar, which is commonly referred to as drinking it black.

What is healthy to mix with coffee?

A healthy option to mix with coffee is cinnamon, as it not only adds flavor but also can lower blood glucose, cholesterol, and triglycerides in diabetics.

Is coffee good with milk or water?

Coffee can be enjoyed with either milk or water, depending on personal preferences and desired effects, such as higher caffeine content or more calories.

What alternative sweeteners can be used in coffee?

Alternative sweeteners for coffee include honey, agave nectar, stevia, maple syrup, and coconut sugar.

How do various non-dairy milk options affect the taste of coffee?

Non-dairy milk options, such as almond, soy, coconut, and oat milk, can alter the taste of coffee by introducing unique flavors and textures, sometimes thickening or sweetening the beverage.

Are there any coffee pairings that enhance the overall drinking experience?

Yes, coffee pairings such as dark chocolate, nuts, and fruit can enhance the overall drinking experience.