What to Descale Coffee Machine With?

Discover the most effective ways to descale your coffee machine, ensuring a perfect cup of joe every time.

If you’re a coffee lover, you know how important it is to keep your coffee machine in top shape. One of the most crucial maintenance tasks is descaling.

But with so many descaling solutions available, it can be hard to know which one to choose. In this article, we’ll explore the best ways to descale your coffee machine and keep it running smoothly for years to come.

So grab a cup of joe and let’s get started!

Importance of Descaling

Over time, minerals and other deposits can build up in your machine’s internal components, affecting the taste and quality of your coffee. Descaling removes these deposits, ensuring that your machine runs smoothly and produces delicious coffee every time.

Ignoring descaling can lead to several problems with your coffee maker. Firstly, it can cause clogs in the water lines or valves which will affect the flow rate of water through them leading to uneven extraction resulting in a weak cup or bitter-tasting brews.

Secondly, mineral buildup on heating elements reduces their efficiency causing them to work harder than they should be working which leads to higher energy consumption over time.

Lastly but not least important is that if you don’t descale regularly then it could lead to permanent damage requiring costly repairs or even replacement of parts altogether!

Signs Your Coffee Machine Needs Descaling

Descaling is necessary to remove these deposits and keep your machine running smoothly. But how do you know when it’s time to descale? Here are some signs that indicate it’s time for a cleaning:

1. Slow brewing: If you notice that your coffee maker takes longer than usual to brew a pot of coffee, this could be due to mineral buildup in the heating element.

2. Reduced water flow: A clogged or partially blocked nozzle can cause reduced water flow during brewing.

3. Strange noises: Mineral buildup in the pipes or valves may cause strange gurgling sounds during operation.

4. Bitter-tasting coffee: Hard water minerals can give off an unpleasant taste in brewed beverages, making them bitter or sour.

5. Visible scale buildup: If you see white residue on the interior surfaces of your machine such as carafe, filter basket etc., then it’s high-time for descaling!

Descaling Frequency

If you live in an area with hard water, which is high in mineral content, then it’s recommended to descale every three months. However, if you have soft water or don’t use your coffee maker frequently, then once a year should suffice.

Ignoring regular descaling can lead to clogging and damage to internal components that could result in costly repairs or even replacement of the entire unit. Therefore it’s essential not only to know when but also how often one should perform this maintenance task.

Commercial Descaling Solutions

These products are specially formulated to remove mineral buildup from your coffee maker’s internal components without damaging them.

There are many different types of commercial descalers available on the market, ranging from liquid solutions to powders. Some popular brands include Durgol Swiss Espresso Special Decalcifier, Urnex Dezcal Coffee and Espresso Descaler, and Biocaf Coffee and Espresso Machine Descaling Powder.

When using a commercial descaler solution, it’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. Most products require you to mix the solution with water before running it through your coffee machine.

While these solutions can be effective at removing mineral buildup quickly, they do come with some downsides. Commercial descaling agents can be expensive compared to natural alternatives like vinegar or citric acid powder.

Some people may prefer not using chemicals in their home or office environment due to health concerns or environmental impact.

Descaling Powder

It’s easy to use, affordable, and can be found at most home appliance stores or online retailers. Descaling powder works by dissolving the limescale that accumulates inside your machine over time.

To use descaling powder, simply mix it with water according to the instructions on the package. Then pour the mixture into your coffee machine’s water reservoir and run a cycle as you would when making coffee.

One of our favorite descaling powders is Urnex Dezcal Coffee and Espresso Descaler. This product has been specially formulated to remove even stubborn mineral deposits without damaging your machine or leaving any residue behind.

When using descaling powder, it’s important to follow all safety precautions listed on the packaging carefully. Wear gloves if necessary and make sure you rinse out your machine thoroughly after running a cycle with this solution.

Urnex Dezcal Coffee and Espresso Descaler

This product is specifically designed for use in coffee and espresso machines, making it an excellent choice for those who want to keep their equipment running smoothly.

One of the benefits of using Urnex Dezcal Coffee and Espresso Descaler is its fast-acting formula. It quickly dissolves limescale, calcium deposits, and other mineral buildup that can affect the taste of your coffee or damage your machine over time.

To use Urnex Dezcal Coffee and Espresso Descaler, simply mix one packet with 32 ounces (1 liter) of water in a container large enough to hold all parts needing cleaning. Then pour this mixture into the water tank or reservoir on your machine before starting the descaling cycle as per manufacturer instructions.

Biocaf Coffee and Espresso Machine Descaling Powder

This eco-friendly descaling powder is made from natural ingredients, making it safe for use in your coffee machine. It effectively removes mineral buildup without leaving any residue or aftertaste.

To use Biocaf Coffee and Espresso Machine Descaling Powder, simply mix the recommended amount with water according to the instructions on the package. Then run this solution through your coffee machine as you would when brewing a pot of coffee.

One of the benefits of using Biocaf Coffee and Espresso Machine Descaling Powder is that it’s gentle on your equipment while still being effective at removing limescale buildup. Plus, its natural formula means you don’t have to worry about harsh chemicals damaging your machine or affecting the taste of future cups.

Natural Descaling Agents

One of the most popular is vinegar, which is a mild acid that can dissolve mineral buildup in your coffee maker. To use vinegar as a descaler, mix equal parts water and white vinegar and run it through your machine as if you were brewing a pot of coffee.

Another option is citric acid, which can be found in many grocery stores or online retailers. Citric acid works similarly to vinegar but has less odor and taste than its counterpart.

Lemon juice also contains citric acid and can be used as an alternative to commercial descalers or other natural agents like baking soda or salt.

DIY Descaling Solutions

There are several household items that can be used as effective descaling agents, including vinegar, citric acid, and lemon juice.

Vinegar is one of the most popular DIY descaling solutions. Its acidic properties make it an effective cleaner for removing mineral buildup in your coffee machine.

To use vinegar as a descaler, mix equal parts water and white vinegar in the water reservoir of your coffee maker and run it through a brewing cycle.

Citric acid is another excellent option for those who prefer natural cleaning methods. It’s commonly found in lemons but can also be purchased online or at specialty stores.

Mix 1-2 tablespoons of citric acid with 1 liter of water to create a solution that effectively removes limescale from your coffee machine.

Lemon juice is also an excellent alternative to commercial cleaners when it comes to removing mineral buildup from your coffee maker’s internal components. Simply fill up half the carafe with lemon juice concentrate mixed with hot water before running this mixture through one brew cycle followed by two cycles using only clean filtered cold-water each time after discarding any remaining liquid left over inside its container.

Vinegar-Based Descaler

It’s an effective solution for removing mineral buildup, but it does have some drawbacks. The strong odor of vinegar can linger in the machine even after rinsing, affecting the taste of your coffee.

To use vinegar as a descaler, mix equal parts white vinegar and water and pour it into the water reservoir. Run one cycle without any coffee grounds or filters to allow the mixture to circulate through all parts of the machine.

Then run two cycles with plain water to rinse out any remaining residue.

While using vinegar-based solutions may seem like an easy fix for cleaning your coffee maker at home, keep in mind that overuse could damage certain components such as rubber seals or gaskets over time due to its acidic nature.

Citric Acid Descaler

Citric acid is a weak organic acid found in citrus fruits such as lemons and oranges. It’s an effective descaler that can remove mineral buildup from your coffee machine without damaging the internal components.

To use citric acid to descale your coffee machine, you’ll need to mix it with water according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Then, run the solution through your coffee maker just like you would with any other commercial descaling solution.

One of the benefits of using citric acid over other types of commercial solutions or powders is its affordability and availability. You can easily find it at most grocery stores or online retailers for a fraction of what you’d pay for some specialized products.

However, keep in mind that while citric acids are safe for most machines, they may not be suitable for all models – especially those made from aluminum materials which could corrode when exposed to acidic substances like lemon juice or vinegar-based solutions.

Lemon Juice Descaler

The citric acid in lemons can effectively break down mineral buildup in your coffee machine without leaving any harmful residue behind.

To use lemon juice as a descaler, start by filling the water reservoir with equal parts water and fresh-squeezed lemon juice. Run the machine through one cycle to allow the mixture to work its magic.

Then, run two cycles of plain water through the machine to rinse away any remaining residue.

While this method may take longer than using commercial solutions or powders, it’s an eco-friendly alternative that won’t harm your health or damage your coffee maker.

Remember that regular maintenance is key when it comes to keeping your coffee machine running smoothly.

Descaling Process Overview

The descaling process typically takes around 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the type of solution you use and how much buildup there is.

The first step in descaling your coffee machine is to prepare the solution according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Once you have prepared the solution, it’s time to start cleaning.

Most solutions require you to run a cycle through your coffee maker with just water before adding in the descaler. This helps remove any loose debris or particles that may be present inside your machine.

Next, add in enough of your chosen descaler into water and pour it into where you would normally put water for brewing. Turn on brew cycle so that this mixture runs through all parts of internal components including heating element (if applicable), tubes etc., then let sit for about 15-20 minutes before running another brew cycle with plain water only until no more residue comes out during rinsing phase.

Step-by-Step Descaling Guide

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to descale your coffee machine:

1. Read the manufacturer’s instructions: Before starting, read through your coffee machine manual for specific instructions on how to descale.

2. Prepare the solution: Mix your chosen descaling solution with water according to package directions.

3. Empty and clean the reservoir: Remove any remaining water from the reservoir and give it a thorough cleaning.

4. Run half of the mixture through your machine: Pour half of your prepared mixture into the reservoir and run it through one cycle without adding any coffee grounds or pods.

5. Let sit for 15 minutes: Once complete, turn off or unplug your machine (depending on manufacturer recommendations) and let sit for 15 minutes so that all mineral buildup can be broken down by chemicals in solutions like vinegar-based ones.

6. Run another cycle with remaining mixture: After letting sit pour in rest of mixtures into tank then run another brewing cycle.

7. Rinse thoroughly: Rinse out all parts including carafe, filter basket etc., until there are no traces left behind.

8. Repeat if necessary: If you still see signs of mineral buildup after rinsing once repeat process again.

9. Maintain Your Coffee Machine Regularly – To prevent future build-up make sure you maintain regular cleaning schedule as per manufacturers recommendation.

How to Clean a Coffee Maker Carafe

Over time, mineral deposits and oils from the coffee can build up inside the carafe, affecting the taste of your brew. To clean a glass or stainless steel carafe, fill it with warm water and add a few drops of dish soap.

Use a soft sponge to scrub away any stains or residue on both the inside and outside surfaces.

For tough stains that won’t come off with regular cleaning, try using baking soda as an abrasive cleaner. Mix equal parts baking soda and water to form a paste-like consistency, then apply it to the stained areas using a soft cloth or sponge.

Let it sit for 15-20 minutes before rinsing thoroughly with warm water.

If you have trouble reaching into narrow-necked carafes like those found in some drip machines or French presses consider investing in specialized cleaning tools such as bottle brushes designed for this purpose.

Descaling Tips and Tricks

Here are some helpful hints to make the process easier:

1. Use filtered water: Using filtered water in your coffee machine can help reduce mineral buildup and prolong the time between descaling.

2. Follow manufacturer instructions: Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions when descaling your coffee machine.

This will ensure that you use the correct amount of solution and avoid damaging any parts.

3. Don’t rush: Take your time when descaling to ensure that all mineral buildup is removed from every part of your coffee maker.

4. Rinse thoroughly: After descaling, rinse all parts thoroughly with clean water several times before using again.

5. Descaling frequency matters: Regularly check for signs that indicate it’s time for another round of cleaning as overdoing or under-doing this maintenance activity could lead to damage or inefficiency in brewing performance.

Post-Descaling Maintenance

First, rinse the water tank thoroughly with clean water and fill it up again. Run a few cycles of plain water through the machine to flush out any remaining descaling solution.

Next, take apart any removable parts such as the brew basket or carafe and wash them in warm soapy water. Rinse them well before reassembling.

Wipe down the exterior of your coffee machine with a damp cloth and dry it off completely. This will help prevent any buildup from forming on its surface.

Maintaining Your Coffee Machine

Regular cleaning of the exterior, carafe, and filter basket will help prevent build-up that can affect the taste of your brew. It’s also important to replace worn or damaged parts promptly.

In addition to regular cleaning, you should follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for maintenance tasks such as replacing water filters or lubricating moving parts. Keeping up with these tasks will extend the life of your machine and keep it running smoothly.

It’s also a good idea to periodically check for leaks or other issues that may indicate a problem with your machine. Catching problems early can save you money on repairs in the long run.

Descaling Safety Measures

It’s important to take safety measures when descaling to avoid any accidents or damage to your machine. Before you start the descaling process, make sure you read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully.

One of the most crucial safety measures is wearing protective gloves and eyewear while handling any type of descaler solution. Descalers are acidic substances that can cause skin irritation or burns if they come into contact with your skin.

Another important thing to keep in mind is never using vinegar as a descaler for espresso machines since it can corrode metal parts over time due to its high acidity level.

Lastly, always unplug your coffee machine before starting the descaling process and ensure all components have cooled down completely before handling them. By following these simple safety measures, you’ll be able to safely maintain your coffee machine without causing harm or damage!


Is it OK to descale coffee machine with vinegar?

No, it is not OK to descale a coffee machine with vinegar, as it can damage internal parts and leave a lingering smell and taste.

Is vinegar as good as descaling solution?

No, vinegar is not as good as descaling solution because it can damage rubber seals and some metals, and it does not contain surfactants to release coffee residues.

What are the benefits of using a commercial descaling solution compared to vinegar for descaling a coffee machine?

Using a commercial descaling solution offers a more effective and faster cleaning process, while also being designed specifically for coffee machines, compared to using vinegar.

Can lemon juice be used as an alternative to vinegar for descaling a coffee machine?

Yes, lemon juice can be used as an alternative to vinegar for descaling a coffee machine.

How often should one descale their coffee machine to maintain optimal performance?

Descaling a coffee machine should generally be done every 1 to 3 months for optimal performance.