What Do You Make Whipped Coffee With?

Discover the key ingredients and simple steps to create the perfect whipped coffee, a delightful beverage that has taken the world by storm.

Whipped coffee, also known as Dalgona coffee, has taken the internet by storm in recent years. This frothy and creamy coffee concoction is not only visually appealing but also delicious to taste.

But what exactly do you need to make this trendy beverage? In this blog post, we’ll explore the key ingredients and tools required to whip up a perfect cup of whipped coffee at home. So grab your favorite mug, and let’s get started!

What Is Whipped Coffee?

whipped coffee

It gained widespread popularity during the COVID-19 pandemic when people were looking for new ways to enjoy their favorite beverages at home. Whipped coffee is made by whipping together instant coffee powder, sugar or sweetener of your choice and hot water until it becomes light and frothy.

The mixture is then spooned over milk or milk alternative of your choice to create a layered effect.

Ingredients for Whipped Coffee

The basic recipe calls for instant coffee, sugar, hot water and milk. However, there is room to customize the recipe according to your preferences.

When it comes to choosing the right instant coffee for whipped coffee, opt for a high-quality brand with bold flavor notes. Instant espresso powder can also be used if you prefer a stronger taste.

For sweeteners in whipped coffee recipes, granulated white sugar is commonly used but feel free to substitute with brown sugar or honey depending on your preference.

As far as milk goes – any type of dairy or non-dairy milk will work well in this recipe including whole milk and almond or oat milks which add their own unique flavors and textures.

In summary:

  • Instant Coffee
  • Sugar (white/brown/honey)
  • Hot Water
  • Milk (dairy/non-dairy)

Choosing the Right Coffee

The type of coffee you use will affect the flavor, aroma, and texture of your drink. For whipped coffee, it’s best to use instant or soluble coffee as they dissolve easily in water and create a smooth foam when whisked vigorously.

When selecting instant or soluble coffee for your whipped beverage, consider its roast level and origin. Darker roasts tend to have bolder flavors that can overpower other ingredients in the recipe while lighter roasts are milder with more subtle notes that complement other flavors well.

Some people prefer using organic or fair-trade coffees for ethical reasons. Ultimately it comes down to personal preference but choosing high-quality beans will ensure better taste overall.

Types of Sweeteners

While traditional sugar is the most commonly used sweetener, you can also experiment with other types of natural and artificial sweeteners to suit your taste preferences.

Honey is a popular alternative that adds a unique flavor profile to the drink. It’s important to note that honey has a distinct taste and may overpower the coffee if too much is added.

Maple syrup or agave nectar are also great alternatives for those who prefer plant-based options. These natural sweeteners have lower glycemic indexes than regular sugar, making them ideal for people watching their blood sugar levels.

For those looking for low-calorie options, stevia or monk fruit extract can be used as an alternative. These zero-calorie substitutes provide sweetness without adding any extra calories or affecting blood glucose levels.

Ultimately, choosing the right type of sweetener depends on personal preference and dietary restrictions/preferences.

Milk Alternatives

Some popular options include almond milk, oat milk, soy milk, and coconut cream. Each type of non-dairy alternative has its own unique flavor profile and texture that can affect the overall taste and consistency of your whipped coffee.

Almond Milk: This nutty-flavored option is a great choice for those who want a low-calorie alternative to dairy. It’s also rich in vitamin E and calcium.

Oat Milk: Oat-based milks have become increasingly popular due to their creamy texture which makes them an excellent substitute for whole dairy products like cream or half-and-half.

Soy Milk: Soy is one of the most common plant-based milks used as an alternative to cow’s milk because it has a similar protein content. It also contains essential amino acids making it nutritionally complete.

Coconut Cream: Coconut cream adds richness without adding too much sweetness; this makes it perfect if you want something less sweet than condensed or evaporated cow’s’-milk products but still crave some richness in your drink.

Whipped Coffee Equipment

Having the right tools can make the process much easier and more efficient. The most important piece of equipment is an electric mixer or a hand whisk to whip up your ingredients into a frothy consistency.

A handheld milk frother can also be used as an alternative to mix everything together.

You’ll also need a mixing bowl that’s deep enough for your ingredients not to splatter everywhere while whipping them up vigorously. A measuring cup or spoon will help ensure you get accurate measurements of each ingredient.

Whipped Coffee Recipe

Here is a simple and easy-to-follow recipe to make this delicious beverage at home.


  • 2 tablespoons of instant coffee
  • 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar
  • 2 tablespoons of hot water
  • Milk (or milk alternative) as desired


  1. In a mixing bowl, combine instant coffee, sugar and hot water.
  2. Using an electric mixer or whisker beat on high speed until it becomes light brown in color and frothy with stiff peaks.
  3. Heat up your milk (or milk alternative) in a microwave or stove-top until warm but not boiling.
  4. Pour the heated milk into your favorite mug filling about three-quarters full.
  5. Spoon dollops of whipped mixture over the top of each cup filled with warm milk evenly distributing between cups if making more than one serving.

Recipe Tips and Tricks

There are a few recipe tips and tricks that can help you achieve the perfect whipped coffee every time.

Firstly, make sure to use equal parts of instant coffee powder, sugar or sweetener of your choice and hot water. This will ensure that the mixture is well-balanced in terms of flavor.

Secondly, use an electric mixer or whisk for best results. While it is possible to whip by hand with a fork or whisk if you don’t have any other tools available but be prepared for some arm workout!

Thirdly, start whipping at low speed before gradually increasing as this will prevent splatters from flying everywhere.

Lastly but not least important – patience! Whipping takes time so don’t rush through it; take breaks when needed until stiff peaks form on top of your cuppa joe.

Flavor Variations

You can customize your drink to suit your taste preferences by adding different flavors and ingredients. Here are some popular flavor variations you can try:

1. Chocolate: Add a tablespoon of cocoa powder or chocolate syrup to the mixture before whipping.

2. Vanilla: Mix in a teaspoon of vanilla extract for a subtle, sweet flavor.

3. Cinnamon: Sprinkle cinnamon on top for an extra kick.

4. Hazelnut: Use hazelnut-flavored coffee or add hazelnut syrup to the mixture before whipping.

5. Caramel: Drizzle caramel sauce over whipped cream.

6. Irish Cream: Add Irish cream liqueur instead of milk.

Serving Suggestions

Here are some serving suggestions to elevate your whipped coffee experience:

  1. Top with cocoa powder or cinnamon for an extra flavor boost.
  2. Serve over ice for a refreshing summer drink.
  3. Add a splash of vanilla extract or almond extract to the recipe for added depth of flavor.
  4. Garnish with chocolate shavings, whipped cream, or fresh fruit slices.

You can also experiment by adding different flavors such as hazelnut syrup, caramel sauce, and even pumpkin spice during fall season.

Whipped coffee is perfect on its own but it’s also great paired with breakfast foods like pancakes and waffles! It’s an excellent way to start your day off right while indulging in something sweet and delicious.

Whipped Coffee Nutrition

It’s important to note that this beverage does contain calories and sugar, so it should be consumed in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

A typical whipped coffee recipe contains about 2 tablespoons each of instant coffee, granulated sugar, and hot water. This translates to approximately 70-80 calories per serving without milk or creamer added.

If you’re looking for ways to make your whipped coffee healthier, consider using natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup instead of granulated sugar. You can also use low-fat or non-dairy milk alternatives such as almond milk or oat milk instead of regular dairy products.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Here are some common issues you may encounter while making whipped coffee and how to troubleshoot them:

1. Not getting the right consistency: If your whipped coffee isn’t thick enough, it could be because you didn’t whip it long enough or used too much liquid.

To fix this issue, try whipping the mixture for a few more minutes until it becomes frothy.

2. Too sweet or not sweet enough: Finding the perfect balance of sweetness can be tricky when making whipped coffee since everyone’s taste preferences differ.

If your drink is too sweet, reduce the amount of sugar in your recipe next time around; if not sweet enough add more sugar.

3. Bitter taste: A bitter-tasting cup of whipped coffee could mean that you used low-quality instant espresso powder or brewed strong black drip-coffee instead of using instant espresso powder which has less bitterness than regular drip-coffee.

4. Liquid separation: Sometimes after mixing all ingredients together they separate into layers with foam on top and liquid at bottom – this happens due to over-whipping so avoid over-whipping by stopping once stiff peaks form.

Make It Vegan and Dairy-Free

Instead of using regular milk, opt for plant-based alternatives such as almond milk, soy milk, oat milk or coconut cream. These options not only provide a creamy texture but also add their unique flavor to the drink.

To make your whipped coffee vegan and dairy-free is quite simple; just replace cow’s milk with any non-dairy alternative in equal amounts. You can use sweetened or unsweetened versions depending on your preference.

It’s important to note that some non-dairy milks may not froth up as well as others due to differences in protein content and fat content compared to cow’s milk.

Caffeine Content

Whipped coffee, like any other type of coffee, contains caffeine. The amount of caffeine in whipped coffee depends on various factors such as the type and quality of beans used and how much you use to make your drink.

On average, a cup (8 oz) of whipped coffee made with instant or ground espresso contains approximately 60-80mg of caffeine. However, this can vary depending on several variables such as brewing method and serving size.

It’s worth noting that while some people enjoy the energizing effects associated with consuming caffeinated beverages like whipped coffee; others may experience negative side effects if they consume too much or are sensitive to it. Therefore it’s essential to be mindful when drinking caffeinated beverages and know your limits.

Storing Leftovers

While it’s best to consume the beverage immediately after preparation, there are ways to store it for later consumption. The good news is that whipped coffee can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours without losing its texture or flavor.

However, keep in mind that over time, the froth will start to deflate and separate from the liquid underneath. To revive your leftover whipped coffee before drinking it again, simply give it a quick stir or re-whip using an electric mixer until fluffy again.

It’s important not to freeze leftover whipped coffee as this will cause ice crystals and ruin its texture when thawed out.

Cold Brew Whipped Coffee

To make cold brew whipped coffee, you’ll need to start by brewing your favorite cold brew concentrate. Once you have your concentrate ready, mix it with sugar and hot water until it becomes frothy and light in color.

The process of making cold brew whipped coffee is similar to that of regular Dalgona coffee, but instead of using instant or brewed hot coffee as a base, we use chilled concentrated cold-brewed java.

This variation has become increasingly popular during summer months when people crave something cool and refreshing. It’s perfect for those who prefer iced drinks over hot ones or want an alternative way to enjoy their morning cuppa joe without heating up the kitchen.

Hot Whipped Coffee

The process of making hot whipped coffee is similar to the cold version, but with a few minor adjustments. To make hot whipped coffee, you will need to heat up your milk before adding it to the cup and topping it off with your frothy mixture.

To start, heat up your milk in a saucepan or microwave until steaming but not boiling. Then add it into your mug and spoon over the whipped mixture on top of the warm milk.

The result? A deliciously creamy and indulgent drink that’s perfect for chilly mornings or cozy evenings at home. You can also experiment with different flavors by adding spices like cinnamon or nutmeg into the mix.

Final Thoughts

With just a few simple ingredients, you can create an impressive beverage that looks as good as it tastes. Whether you prefer hot or cold drinks, there’s a whipped coffee recipe out there for everyone.

Remember to experiment with different flavors and milk alternatives until you find the perfect combination that suits your taste buds. And don’t forget to share your creations on social media using the hashtag #whippedcoffee!

We hope this article has provided valuable insights into making whipped coffee at home.


What tool is used to whip coffee?

The tool used to whip coffee includes a hand mixer, frother, stand mixer, immersion blender or even a manual whisk.

Can you use regular coffee for whipped coffee?

Yes, regular coffee can be used for whipped coffee, although the final product may not be as stiff; ensure equal parts coffee and sugar are used.

What makes whipped coffee whip?

The whipped effect in whipped coffee is created due to sugar, as the surfactants in coffee are insufficient to maintain the shape of the bubbles.

How do you make frothy coffee at home?

To make frothy coffee at home, hold the container at an angle, turn on the frother, move it up and down for about 20 seconds to create foamy bubbles, tap the container to break large bubbles, and avoid excessive frothing for a latte to ensure milk mixes well with coffee.

What are the best alternative ingredients for making whipped coffee?

The best alternative ingredients for making whipped coffee are instant coffee, granulated sugar, and hot water.

Can plant-based milk be used in whipped coffee recipes?

Yes, plant-based milk can be used in whipped coffee recipes.

What are some creative twists on the traditional whipped coffee recipe?

Creative twists on the traditional whipped coffee recipe include adding flavors like caramel, cinnamon, and vanilla or experimenting with non-dairy milk alternatives and sweeteners.